The 5 best vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Bilbao

Bilbao has an extensive gastronomic offer, where lovers of vegetarian cuisine have numerous interesting possibilities
The 5 best vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Bilbao

Bilbao offers one of the best gastronomic areas in the Basque Country, with a variety of restaurants whose menus include typical Basque foods and those from other places, such as international cuisine restaurants (Asian, Latin, Italian or American, among others).

If you follow a vegetarian diet or simply feel like enjoying an exquisite plate of food of plant origin, Bilbao has several restaurants free of food of animal origin where their dishes are as irresistible as they are spectacular.

Here we recommend the five best vegetarian cuisine restaurants that you can find in Bilbao.

  1. La Camelia Vegan Bar
  2. Garibolo
  3. Sua San
  4. Green Bistrot
  5. Copper Deli

La Camelia Vegan Bar


La Camelia offers a 100% vegan menu for its clients, whose dishes are made with the best ingredients and of the best quality. Located on Villarías Street, this restaurant has a menu of dishes that includes vegan sushi, homemade hummus, miso soup, vegetable cream, vegan burgers, green juices, desserts such as carrot cakes and a collection of wines and craft beers.

In addition, it has a take-away or delivery service in which its packaging is 100% biodegradable and its cost-benefit ratio is one of the best in the city.



Its owners define the Garibolo restaurant as an ovo/lacti/api-vegetarian restaurant and it also has 100% vegan dishes on its menu.

It has a colorful atmosphere, decorated with paintings and works of art typical of the Basque culture, and its attention and service are among the best in the city.

Among its most symbolic dishes we can find vegetable meatballs, carrot cake, and organic wines. In addition, you can taste their delicious four-course menu at the modest price of 14.50 euros.

Sua San


Despite not being a strictly vegan restaurant, Sua San offers a menu specialized in healthy food, where we can find dishes such as salads, creams and vegetable lasagna. In addition, it also offers a detox juice service, and they have the best and most careful vegetable ingredients for preparing salads to suit the client.

In addition to offering natural and healthy dishes, Sua San has a take-away service and an unmatched quality-price ratio. Its atmosphere is one of the most welcoming and colorful among the restaurants in the Bilbao area.

Green Bistrot


Green Bistrot is an omnivorous restaurant that features vegan food. In addition to its famous pintxos, this restaurant has a healthy and ecological menu where diners of all tastes can go (vegans, vegetarians, raw vegans, celiacs, diabetics...) and among its main dishes are quinoa tabbouleh with avocado, wheat roast beef, tomato tart and truffled seitan.

As for its quality-price ratio, it is highly recommended. The prices of the dishes vary between 10 and 20 euros.

Copper Deli


Copper Deli is characterized by being a restaurant with healthy and balanced food, as well as by its decoration, friendly treatment and unparalleled attention.

Located in a central area of Bilbao, Copper Deli offers the best sandwiches in the city. You can choose the bread for your sandwich from three dough options: sage bread, ten grain bread or focaccia bread.

In addition, you can fill these sandwiches with the vegetables you want, among which you can find beets, arugula and all the vegetables you can imagine.

On its menu you can also find detox juices, salads, coffees from origins such as Ethiopia, Guatemala or the famous Colombian coffee, as well as desserts and homemade breads made from whole wheat dough. In addition, there are other types of meals that include meat and fish, making it ideal for couples or groups in which there are tastes for everything.

All these vegetarian restaurants will be waiting for you to taste their exquisite healthy menus if you are a person who likes healthy and organic.